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Artesia Park Junior High School

Frequently Asked Questions

We know that life can be unexpected, which is what makes it so exciting! With that being said, we also know that weather conditions are not always perfect and family emergencies happen. Please read through our list of most frequently asked questions on how to handle these special circumstances. If you can’t find what you are looking for, please look though our student handbook or give us a call.

How will I be notified school has been canceled?

We will announce a “Delayed Schedule” on AM 990, KSVP radio between 6:30 and 7:00 a.m. We will delay all bus schedules and beginning school times two hours. The first bell at APJHS will ring at 10:17 a.m. We will dismiss the school day at regular time. As always, we will still supervise any students who arrive at school at regular time. Please note: We encourage parents who live in areas where weather conditions are considered hazardous to keep their children at home. We will give these students excused absences.

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How do I contact my child during the school day?

In case of an emergency, please contact the front office, and we will send a note to your child’s class. Students may use the office telephone for emergencies only. The student must explain the emergency to the secretary before using the telephone. Students must turn off their cell phones and keep them in their locker or backpack during school hours. This includes during lunch.

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What is Artesia Park Junior High’s Attendance Policy?

We expect all students to attend school as many days as school is in session.

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What is the procedure if my child needs to miss a day of class?

We will consider a student absent if he/she misses more than fifteen minutes of any class period. We will excuse an absence only with parent notification to the school prior to the student’s absence. Excused absences include, but are not limited to, the following: personal illness, professional appointments that could not be scheduled outside school time, or serious personal, and/or family problems.

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May my student make up work missed while absent?

Yes. Make-up work for absences is the responsibility of the student, and we will allow one day for each day absent, not exceeding two weeks. It is the responsibility of the student who misses only one day on the day of a previously announced test or deadline date to make up the work the day he/she returns to school.

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What is the school dress code?

The Artesia Board of Education has set forth a policy on dress that helps maintain a climate conducive to the learning process. The following is an overview of the dress code.

General Guidelines

  1. Keep hair well-groomed, natural colored, and not distracting to others. Boys’ hair must not reach below a normal dress collar and boys’ and girls’ hair may not cover the eyes. Boys must be clean-shaven.
  2. Hemline for dresses, skirts, and boys’ and girls’ shorts should reach mid-thigh.
  3. No sagging, torn, ripped, or spandex-type clothing.
  4. Tops for girls and boys should reach the top of the trousers when both hands are raised above the head.
  5. We prohibit clothing or tattoos with pictures or wording that are inappropriate in a school setting.
  6. We prohibit all gang-related wording, clothing, or accessories.
  7. We prohibit any body piercing, other than the ears. We also do not allow chains and spiked jewelry.
  8. Wear shoes at all times. No house shoes.

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